Privacy Policy

Hello there. Olivia Margarate here. I possess and operate We are resolved to regard and secure your protection through this Security Arrangement and Privacy Policy.

Olivia Diet Logo-Privacy Policy

By utilizing this Site, you acknowledge and consent to the approach laid out on this page. This approach oversees your entrance to and utilization of, including any substance, usefulness, and administration offered on this Site. It will be ideal if you read the whole arrangement before you utilize or cooperate with this website.

Clients Younger than 18

We don't propose this Site for clients younger than 15. We don't intentionally gather individual data from clients younger than 15. f you are younger than 15, kindly don't visit or connect with this Site in any capacity or give any data to us.

1. Users Situated in the European Association

Accumulation OF Individual Information

  • You will provide individual information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, IP address, and email address. We gather individual information from you in the accompanying ways:
  • Email Select Ins With the expectation of complimentary Ebooks and Blessings: Your email address.
  • Submitting Inquiries Through Remark Boxes: Your name, email address, and question data.
  • The motivation behind Handling YOUR Information
  • The data above is gathered for the accompanying purposes:
  • Email Select Ins With the expectation of complimentary Ebooks and Endowments: To give you data on the point when all is said in done and data about our paid items.
  • Submitting Inquiries Through Remark Boxes: To answer any inquiries you may have for us.

Lawful Reason FOR THE Gathering AND PROCESSING OF Data

For any correspondence you have agreed to get, you can change or expel your assent whenever by reaching Olivia margarate or clicking the”unsubscribe” connect at the base of each email to quit future messages.

Lawful reason for how we gather data:

Email Select Ins With the expectation of complimentary Ebooks and Endowments: Assent is requested first.

Submitting Inquiries Through Remark Boxes: We need your information to give you the data that you requested from us, and we won't use your data for other purposes. This privacy policy is strictly observed.

If you differ or have any further inquiries concerning this lawful premise, if it's not too much trouble, contact Olivia Margarate at [email protected], and we will quit preparing your information on this lawful premise.

WHO Approaches THE Information THAT IS Gathered?

We approach the information we gather and outsiders that assist us in processing your information. This privacy policy includes the following:

  • Email advertising and correspondence organizations (to gather and send messages)
  • Overview organizations (to get input from clients on Ebooks and My Substance)
  • Item facilitating stages (to enable you to get to the items that you have submitted an email for)
  • Other web composition, administration, and programming administrations
  • The outsiders above cannot use, share, or collect your personal information for any reason other than the reasons expressed previously.

Utilization OF Treats AND Web-based life PIXELS

We sometimes utilize treats and different innovations, similar to web-based life pixels, to track the specific conduct of guests to this Site. We utilize this following to enable us to see how guests utilize our Site, what premiums them, how they react to advertising, and different reasons, for example, whether a guest is utilizing a work area or versatile PC. Changing your web program settings can obstruct these threats.

Because of pixels, we may utilize them to tailor promoting messages clients see when going to web-based life sites. We maintain whatever authority is needed to utilize these pixels in consistence with the approaches of the different online life sites.

  • Evolving, Expelling, OR Asking for YOUR Information
  • We will hold your data until you ask us to erase it. We choose to stop using our current data providers or determine that your data is no longer needed.
  • Under the General Information Security Control, you have conceded the accompanying rights:
  • You have the privilege of being educated, and this approach advises you.
  • You have the privilege to ask for access to the information we store and the right to correct or delete that information.
  • You have the privilege to ask for confinement on handling your information and the privilege to question the preparation of your information.
  • You have the privilege of the compactness of your information.
  • You likewise have rights in connection to computerized basic leadership and profiling. While this Site does not profile you, this is a different sit,e and it is your right.

For any of the above solicitations, contact Olivia Margarate at [email protected] with your demand if it's not too much trouble.

Information Exchange TO THIRD Nations

We never exchange your information with third nations as per our privacy policy. We situate this Site in the United States and gather and hold your information here.

Inquiries, Concerns, and Contact

If you have any remarks, inquiries, or concerns, if it's not too much trouble, contact Olivia Margarate at [email protected].

Suppose you feel that a security issue has not been settled since you reached us. In that case, you have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority with jurisdiction over issues related to the General Data Protection Regulation. Privacy policy supports this.

Data Controller

Representative: Olivia Margarate

Hildebrand Ave, San Antonio, TX

Clients situated Outside of the EU

Site Guests

Like most site administrators, we gather non-expressly distinguishing data of the sort that internet browsers and servers commonly make accessible, for example, the program composition, dialect inclination, alluding website, and the date and time of every guest ask. We are motivated to gather this data to see how guests utilize and cooperate with our Site.

We likewise gather data like Web Convention (IP) addresses for signed-in clients and clients leaving remarks on our blog and related sites. And we disclose logged-in client and analyst IP addresses under similar conditions that we utilize and reveal specifically recognizing data as portrayed beneath, except that analyst IP locations and email addresses are noticeable and unveiled to the overseers of the blog or webpage where the remark was cleared out.

Gathering OF Individual Data

Contingent upon how clients communicate with this Site, we must gather some individual data. The gathered sum and sort of data rely upon the idea of the connection. For instance, we ask guests who inquire about our remark frame to give their names and email addresses. We do this to react to them and give them the information they asked for.

Buy exchanges require extra data, including other individual and budgetary data required to process the exchanges. We don't unveil individual data other than as sketched out beneath. We gather the fundamental data required to finish the association for each situation. Guests may likewise decline to supply their data whenever, even though it might keep them from participating in certain Site related exercises.

We may gather accumulated insights about the conduct of guests at its sites, and we may show this data openly or give it to others. Notwithstanding, we don't unveil individual data other than as delineated underneath and as stated in our privacy policy.

Insurance OF Individual Data

We reveal individual data to our contractual workers and partnered associations that need to realize that data with a specific end goal to process it for our benefit or to give administrations accessible at our sites that have concurred not to unveil it to others. Using this Site, you agree to exchange such data with temporary workers and partnered associations outside your national origin. We won't lease or pitch individual data to anybody.

Other than to our contractual workers and associated associations, as depicted above, we uncover individual data just because of a subpoena, court arrangement, or other administrative demand or when we have faith in compliance with common decency that revelation is sensibly important to ensure the property or privileges of our organization, outsiders or the general population on the loose.

On the off chance that you are an enrolled client of this Site and have provided your email address, we may once in a while send you an email to inform you concerning new highlights, request your criticism, or stay up with the latest with what's new with our organization.

On the off chance that you send us correspondences using email, through our Site, or using online networking stages, we maintain whatever authority is needed to distribute it, keeping in mind the end goal to enable us to elucidate or react to your demand or to enable us to help different clients. We take all necessary measures to secure against the unapproved get to, utilize, change, or devastation of your data.

Utilization OF Treats AND Internet-based life PIXELS

We utilize treats and different innovations at times. We use Facebook pixels to track the specific conduct of guests on this Site. This Site uses the following to enable us to see how guests utilize our Site. What premiums? How do they react to showcasing? There are also different reasons, for example, regardless of whether a guest is utilizing a work area or a versatile PC. Changing your web program settings can hinder these threats.

On account of pixels, we may utilize them to tailor publicizing messages clients see when going by online networking sites. We maintain the authority needed to utilize these pixels in consistence with the approaches of the different web-based social networking locales.

BUSINESS Exchanges

If we offer this Site and the greater part of its benefits or another gains them on the impossible occasion that we leave the business or enter chapter 11, client data is viewed as one of the advantages. These are exchanged or procured by an outsider. By utilizing this Site, you recognize that such exchanges may happen. Additionally, any acquirer of this Site may keep on using your data as put forward in this arrangement.


We might convey promotions showing up on any of our sites to clients by publicizing accomplices, who may set treats. These treats enable the promotion server to perceive your PC each time they send you an online notice to assemble data about you or other people who utilize your PC. This data permits promotion systems to, in addition to other things, convey focused ads that they accept will be of the most enthusiasm to you. This Security Approach covers the utilization of treats on our Site. Also, it does not cover the utilization of treats by any sponsors.

Security Approach CHANGES

As our privacy policy, we claim all authority to change this protection strategy at our sole care. We urge you to check this page consistently for updates or changes. Your proceeded with utilization of this Site after changes made to this strategy will constitute your acknowledgment of said changes.

For some other inquiries, remarks, or concerns, if you don't mind, contact Olivia Margarate at [email protected].