How to Support Natural Collagen Production

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Last updated on February 10th, 2025 at 09:30 pm

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. Collagen is the main part of the facia, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bone, and skin. Not surprisingly, collagen has many different functions in your body. Collagen provides structure, strength, and elasticity to the skin. Strengthening blood vessels, making a part in blood clotting, and playing a role in growing new tissue are also its functions. Read on to know more about Natural Collagen.

When collagen breaks down, wrinkles occur in the skin. Unfortunately, a natural part of aging includes cutting collagen production. In addition, the collagen your body produces is of lower quality, and the present cartilage weakens with age. These steps lead to wrinkles and thinning of the skin. Collagen's importance in youthful-looking skin, hair, and nails has led to the addition of collagen to many nutritional supplements and beauty products.

Types Of Collagen

There are at least 16 types of collagen that we know about, with four main types: 

  • Type I

This is the richest, making up 90% of your body's total collagen. Type I collagen contains densely packed fibers and provides structure to the skin, bones, tendons, fibrous cartilage, connective tissue, and teeth.

  • Type II

This Type 2 collagen contains fibers that are more loosely packed than Type I and is part of elastic cartilage, which provides cushioning to the joints.

  • Type III

Type 3 collagen supports muscles, organs, and arteries.

  • Type IV

Type 4 collagen is located in the layers of the skin and plays a role in filtration. Keep reading to learn how to support your body's collagen production naturally. 

Collagen powder

All types of natural collagen begin as procollagen, a combination of two amino acids, glycine, and proline. You may be able to support the creation of procollagen by taking in certain nutrients. Vitamin C is for procollagen creation. You can find vitamin C in citrus fruits, bell peppers, kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and strawberries. Proline is rich in egg whites, wheat germ, dairy products, cabbage, asparagus, and mushrooms.

Collagen Sources

Large amounts of glycine are found in pork skin, chicken skin, and other protein-containing foods. Organ meats, sesame seeds, cocoa powder, cashews, and lentils contain copper, which aids collagen production.

In addition to these nutrients, your body requires quality protein to make new proteins. Protein is from amino acids. Your body breaks down protein foods into these amino acids and then uses them as building blocks to make the proteins your body needs.

Protein sources include meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, legumes, and tofu. Besides protein-rich foods, fruits, and vegetables are safe and healthy options for building up skin health. 

Collagen in food concept

Connective tissues of animals contain natural collagen similar to humans. There are large amounts of collage in chicken and pork skin (which also contain glycine, important for collagen production). Bone broth is particularly rich in collagen. You can make or buy bone broth prepared by boiling animal bones.

The bone quality will influence the broth's quality, so your best bet is to make your bone broth with bones from a known local butcher. Gelatin, a protein gained by boiling the skin, tendons, ligaments, and bones of animals, is cooked collagen, so it is very high in the amino acids your body needs to build collagen.

Remember that when you consume any protein, including collagen, your body breaks the protein into amino acids first and then repairs these amino acids into new proteins. Therefore, directly eating collagen does not mean collagen levels increase in your body.

Increase Your Collagen Production

Exposure to elements such as pollution causes oxidation, which mainly damages the skin. Antioxidants protect the skin against free radicals, which create damage through the process of oxidation. Certain antioxidants improve collagen production. Some rich antioxidant foods include green tea, blueberries, licorice extract, mulberry extract, yerba mate tea, pomegranate extract, and cinnamon.

Many foods contain high amounts of protein and collagen, but what about supplements? While the science behind collagen supplementation is new, studies show benefits in certain areas. Natural Collagen supplementation may help increase muscle mass, protect against arthritis, and increase skin lightening and elasticity. On the other hand, foods that contain high amounts of collagen contain a bioavailable form of collagen. This may mean that your body is better able to use the collagen found in foods than the collagen in supplements.

1. Algae

Algae are also able to prevent oxidation and the loss of collagen. It can be taken as an oral supplement.

Collagen powder and pills

2. Aloe vera

Aside from food and supplements, other methods may work to increase your collagen production. Aloe vera has been used for a long time as a wound healer. You have probably bought a soothing aloe vera lotion after a nasty sunburn. Aloe vera treats cuts and burns because the aloe vera plant increases collagen production. Aloe can be applied directly to the skin or taken orally as a supplement.

3. Hyaluronic Acid

You might also want to try hyaluronic acid. This anti-aging element is an important compound for collagen in the skin and keeps the skin hydrated. One study showed that hyaluronic acid booted collagen production. Just like collagen, hyaluronic acid is produced naturally by the body but lessens with age. Hyaluronic acid production also requires vitamin C.

Lastly, prioritize regular stretching exercises, which can help reduce the signs of aging and protect your collagen, keeping your skin, bones, muscles, and joints healthy.

Happy senior woman exercising

Behaviors Bad For Collagen

While there are many things you can do to increase your collagen production, there are also behaviors to avoid that destroy natural collagen. Eating large amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates interferes with collagen repair, an important process in keeping up a young appearance.

Excessive time in the sun can lessen collagen production due to ultraviolet radiation. Smoking has also lowered collagen production, harming wound healing and adding wrinkles. Some autoimmune diseases can damage collagen. Pollution and free radicals, which can be experienced due to the way of living and environmental factors, can lessen collagen production and remove elasticity in the skin.

You can do many things to boost your body's natural collagen production. Use the information in this article to support a young appearance and increase your overall health and well-being with 14 Day Anti-aging Quick Start Program!

14-Day Anti-Aging Quick Start Program

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