The 3 Best Healthy Habits to Start the New Year

The 3 Best Healthy Habits to Start the New Year Thumbnail

Last updated on January 17th, 2025 at 03:54 pm

We often think of a transformation as a long and challenging process. We can get easily overwhelmed when the committed changes are too extreme.  But the good news is that they don't have to be.  Making several small changes to your life can be much more effective than taking one giant leap. It’s always easier to make and maintain small lifestyle adjustments, and they're more likely to stick and turn into habits. New Year Healthy Habits definitely help a lot.

The New Year is always a time for setting new intentions and goals. We hope to be more active, healthier, or just happier in the coming year. However, part of that is up to us and the choices we make every day. This article will help you start developing healthy habits for the New Year. Here are the top 3 (and most common) healthy habits you should start this year to become the healthiest version of yourself!

Healthy Habits

1. Drink More Water

Water is an essential part of life. The human body is made up of anywhere from 55% to 78% water. Therefore it's no surprise that proper hydration has a significant impact on your health. Drinking more water hydrates and detoxifies your entire body. 

It is important to drink enough water daily to maintain balance and normal bodily functions. We need water for our cellular processes, to create bodily fluids, and to regulate our body temperature. 

Water also aids digestion and helps control blood pressure, reduces the risk of colon cancer, prevents kidney stones and urinary tract infections, and helps maintain clear skin. It also aids weight loss by making you feel fuller, causing you to consume fewer calories.

Healthy Habits

2. Eat Healthily

One of the most important steps which should be included in your New Year Healthy Habits to stay healthy and enjoy life is eating a healthy diet.  What you put into your body affects your overall health and how you look and feel. However, many people still don't make nutrition a priority for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, the result is always the same – poor health.

Some suggestions for eating healthier include:

  • Eat Less Red Meat

  • Eating less red meat is beneficial for your health. It's the best way to reduce calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Less meat can reduce obesity rates and other major risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some cancers. It is striking to know that meat, especially beef, has a significant effect on men’s health.

Two meat meals or less each week is a good goal. If you decide to include meat in your recipe, grill it rather than fry it.

  • Eat Lots Of Fruits And Veggies

  • Eating a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins will help keep your energy levels up and your immune system strong. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables will ensure you get all the nutrients your body needs to live a healthy life.
  • Never Skip Meals – Especially Breakfast

  • No matter how simple it may sound, skipping meals can have dangerous consequences. When you skip a meal, your body goes into “starvation mode” and starts storing calories instead of burning them off. This slows your metabolism and leaves you feeling tired and bloated. Skipping meals can compromise your health, productivity, and happiness. As a result, people who skip meals are more likely to experience health problems. 

Often tagged as the “most important meal of the day,” breakfast is critical to your brain function, weight management, and overall health. Studies have linked breakfast with improved concentration levels, productivity, and decreased risk of depression. We’re talking about a HEALTHY breakfast, not just chowing down on whatever we lay our hands on.

ripe avocado sandwiches

  • Decrease Portion Size 

  • We all know that eating too much is unhealthy, but have you ever noticed that the portions typically served in restaurants are simply too big? The problem is that we regularly eat too much. We feel full after eating far less, but the brain doesn't get the message because it's used to us eating way more.

Try this trick: Reduce the calories of everyday meals by switching to a smaller dinner plate. This way, you can trick your eyes and brain into believing you're eating more when it's half a serving.

Homemade beef steak

  • Maintain A Food Diary

  • A common tool used to track the foods and drinks consumed throughout the day is a food journal. Studies show that people who keep a food journal lose twice as much weight and keep that weight off compared to those who don't. Studies also show that people who keep a food journal report more energy and better moods than those who don't. So why not start keeping your own?
Food journal

3. Exercise

Persistent health issues, a sedentary lifestyle, and a poor diet can all lead to a lower quality of life, and exercise is the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But according to statistics, 95% of people don't get enough exercise in the United States alone. 

It's no secret that exercise is beneficial for your health and well-being. Hundreds of studies have shown that people who exercise live longer and experience increased vitality, among other benefits. It can be not easy to develop a regular exercise routine, but here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Make a list of all the healthy activities you enjoy. Pick one and do it for 30 minutes.
  • Find a friend to exercise with – they can motivate you, keep you accountable, and make the time go faster.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible
  • Take your dog for a walk or run every day
  • Get up and stretch at least once an hour or when seated for a long period
  • Do some push-ups during commercial breaks on TV.
  • Park your car at least a block away from where you're going, or walk or cycle instead of driving.
  • Go on long bike rides with friends – this is great exercise, and it's fun to chat.
  • Stretch or do some yoga poses before bed or during commercial breaks
  • Use a pedometer or fitness tracker to monitor how many steps you take each day.
Bedroom Working Out

Exercising has numerous benefits, including the ability to finally lose those unwanted pounds, increase energy levels, sleep better, and even look better in jeans!

Making a change isn't always easy, but it's well worth it! Even seemingly minor modifications can have a significant impact in the long run. 

Bonus: Try Turmeric!

Turmeric is a spice commonly used to flavor dishes in Southeast Asia. Still, it is also used as a natural remedy for digestive issues, arthritis, menstrual pain, and many more.

Turmeric has many health benefits, but it is most well-known for its digestive uses, like reducing stomach acidity, increasing digestive enzymes, and regulating bowel movements. Studies have shown that turmeric can reduce bloating by relieving gas buildup in the colon.

Turmeric also contains a chemical called curcumin, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, providing relief from pain. Curcumin can help with a host of health issues because it helps to break down inflammation in the body. Turmeric can be used as part of a holistic treatment plan or taken on its own as an herbal supplement. Learn more about how this natural supplement can help you start the year right with great eating habits and a healthy digestive system!

Start your journey to better health with better nutrition choices. Learn how to heal your body from the inside out here!

Best Foods that Rapidly Slim & Heal in 7 Days

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