Symptoms of a Thyroid Disorder

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Last updated on August 11th, 2023 at 08:36 pm

Thyroid disorders affect at least one in eight women and sometimes men. Due to the general nature of thyroid disorder symptoms, over half of those with a thyroid disorder are unaware of their condition. Moreover, knowing the symptoms of a thyroid disorder early on can help speed up the diagnosis and treatment process. A poorly working thyroid can lead to various diseases and disorders, so knowing your condition early on is important as choosing the nutrients needed for thyroid function. Here is more information about being aware of thyroid disorder symptoms and what to do if you think you may have one.

The thyroid gland functions as your master gland. It is responsible for energy production and metabolism throughout your entire body. Furthermore, due to its widespread functions, thyroid disorder symptoms are diverse and can affect different body parts. An underactive thyroid gland is referred to as hypothyroidism. This condition is most common in women during transitional times, such as during pregnancy, after childbirth, and during menopause. Men can also develop hypothyroidism from chronic stress or environmental pollutants. On the other hand, an overactive thyroid gland is called hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism may not cause any seen symptoms in its early stages. 

Thyroid Disorder Symptoms-Thyroid Gland Anatomy

Causes Of Hypothyroidism

The hormones produced by the thyroid gland – triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) have a huge impact on your health. They indeed influence all aspects of your metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate. When the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, it upsets the intricate balance of hormones and chemicals in the body.

Before the Thyroid Disorder Symptoms, the causes of hypothyroidism include the following:

1. Autoimmune Disease

The most common cause of the hypothyroid disorder is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder. An autoimmune disorder is when your body’s immune system attacks your tissues, which can sometimes involve your thyroid gland.

2. Hyperthyroidism Treatment

When too many thyroid hormones are produced, this is called hyperthyroidism. Also, if there is an overcorrection, thyroid hormone production can be lowered, causing hypothyroidism. The treatment for hyperthyroidism often involves radioactive iodine or anti-thyroid medications, so you should watch out for Thyroid Disorder Symptoms. 

3. Radiation

Cancer treatments of the head and neck can certainly impact the ability of the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones and may result in hypothyroidism.

4. Thyroid Surgery

For those who have had all or a large portion of their thyroid removed, lessened, or stopped, thyroid hormone production will occur. In this case, thyroid hormone replacement will be necessary for the rest of their life. 

5. Medications

A variety of medications can certainly adds to hypothyroidism. If you are taking any medications, you certainly need to ask your doctor about the effects they might have on your thyroid.

Thyroid Disorder Symptoms-home self isolation quarantine

The signs and symptoms of thyroid disorder such as hypothyroidism are variable, depending on the gravity of the hormone deficiency. Usually, problems develop slowly over several years.

Common Hypothyroid Symptoms

Common Hyperthyroid Symptoms

Here are Thyroid Disorder, specifically Hyperthyroid Symptoms:

  • Anxiety/Irritability/Nervousness
  • Having Trouble Sleeping
  • Losing Weight
  • Enlarged Thyroid Gland/Goiter
  • Muscle Weakness/Tremors
  • Irregular Menstrual Periods/Menstrual Cycle Stops
  • Heat Sensitivity
  • Vision Problems/Eye Irritation

Thyroid Disorder Symptoms-abnormal enlargement of thyroid gland

Health Concerns That Could Be Attributed To Your Thyroid

  • Anxiety/Panic Attacks
  • Depression
  • Generalized swelling
  • Puffy Eyes/Face
  • Muscle Aches/Pain
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Joint Pain/Stiffness/Swelling
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Asthma/Allergies
  • Migraines
  • Recurrent Miscarriage/Infertility
  • Lack of Ovulation
  • Decreased Memory
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • High Cholesterol
  • Low Heart Rate
  • Insomnia or Trouble Sleeping
  • Hives

Laboratory medical diagnostics


In conclusion, Hypothyroidism treatment is usually simple, safe, and effective. Also, synthetic thyroid hormones are used as replacement therapy for hypothyroidism. Thankfully, accurate thyroid function tests can certainly be used to diagnose Thyroid Disorder Symptoms. Lastly, if you are feeling tired for no reason, or have any other signs and symptoms discussed above like hormonal imbalances, make sure to see your doctor. 

If your thyroid gland isn’t functioning as it should, thyroid hormones can become imbalanced. Hormone Imbalances Can Wreak Havoc On Your Body and Mind. Click here to know more about our 14-Day Hormone Balancing Quick Start Program!

Hormone Balancing Quick Start Program

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