What to Eat for a Hangover – Can Food Really Help?


When you have a hangover, eating the right foods can really help. They can settle your stomach and give you energy, easing symptoms like headaches, nausea, and dehydration. This guide will show you the best foods to eat to rehydrate, replace lost nutrients, and recover faster.

The Science Behind Hangovers

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Hangovers occur when our bodies react to excessive alcohol consumption [¹]. Alcohol increases our blood alcohol level, impairing brain and nerve functions, and reducing clarity in thinking, movement, and reactions. The liver metabolizes alcohol into acetaldehyde, a toxic substance that can accumulate if not processed quickly, causing hangover symptoms.

Additionally, alcohol disrupts amino acids, impacting mood and bodily functions. Dehydration from alcohol leads to symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. The concept of “hair of the dog,” drinking more alcohol to ease symptoms, only masks discomfort temporarily without solving the root problems.

How to Prevent Hangovers?

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An alcohol hangover [²] manifests as a headache, shakiness, nausea, diarrhea, and tiredness, along with reduced performance in work, cognitive functions, or tasks requiring visual and spatial abilities.

To prevent hangovers, consider the following tips: 

  • Stay Hydrated: Alcohol dehydrates your body, so drink plenty of water before, during, and after drinking alcohol. A helpful tip is to alternate between a glass of water and an alcoholic beverage. Hydration is essential for alcohol elimination. In addition to drinking water, consume coconut water, herbal teas, or traditional sports drinks.
  • Eating before and during drinking can help slow down how quickly your body absorbs alcohol. Opt for a meal rich in proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates before you start drinking.
  • Choose alcohol Wisely: Some alcoholic beverages, especially those high in congeners (like whiskey, cognac, and tequila), are more likely to cause hangovers. Clear liquors like vodka and gin may cause fewer hangover symptoms.
  • Drink Moderately: The simplest way to avoid a hangover is to drink in moderation or not at all. Follow the recommended guidelines for alcohol consumption.
  • Avoid Smoking: Smoking while drinking can intensify hangover symptoms.
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  • Rest Well: Ensure you get enough sleep before and after drinking. Alcohol can affect sleep quality, so allowing extra time to rest can help mitigate hangover effects. Ensure you get plenty of sleep to help your body heal.
  • Stay Active: While it might not directly prevent a hangover, being in good physical health can improve your body's ability to handle alcohol and recover more quickly.
  • Avoid Mixing Drinks: Mixing different types of alcohol can increase the intensity of your hangover. Stick to one type of drink to minimize the effects.

Foods to Eat for a Hangover Cure

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If you're searching for “What To Eat For A Hangover, here are hangover foods that, might help for your recovery:

1. Bananas

They offer a potassium boost to counteract electrolyte loss from alcohol's diuretic effect and are easy on your stomach.

2. Eggs

These help stabilize blood sugar and break down acetaldehyde, a hangover-causing toxin, thanks to their protein and cysteine content.

3. Whole Grains

Opt for oatmeal or whole grain toast for a slow and steady release of energy, helping maintain blood sugar levels after excessive drinking.

4. Oatmeal

A hearty bowl of oatmeal can stabilize blood sugar levels, provide essential nutrients, and help soothe the stomach.

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5. Watermelon

Its high water content and nutrients combat dehydration from alcohol intake.

6. Nuts

A handy source of magnesium, which alcohol depletes, choose almonds or walnuts.

7. Chicken Noodle Soup

Beyond comfort, its salty broth replenishes sodium and electrolytes decreased by alcohol consumption.

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8. Avocado

Packed with nutrients and healthy fats, it restores energy and counters potassium loss due to alcohol.

9. Yogurt

With its probiotics and protein, yogurt aids in digestive balance and blood sugar stabilization.

10. Ginger

To combat nausea, one of the “What To Eat For A Hangover” options is ginger. Ginger is known to help with nausea and can ease stomach upset from hangovers. You can consume it as tea, chew on ginger root, or take ginger supplements.

11. Spinach

Rich in folate, vitamin C, and magnesium, spinach helps replenish nutrients lost due to alcohol's diuretic effect. Incorporate it into a smoothie or omelet for an easy, nutrient-packed hangover cure.


12. Tomato Juice

Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, tomato juice can help detoxify the body and replenish lost nutrients. It's also the base for a revitalizing “Virgin Mary” drink.

13. Miso Soup

A traditional Japanese remedy for hangovers, miso soup is soothing, hydrating, and packed with electrolytes and beneficial probiotics, aiding in digestion and rehydration.

14. Berries


If you're wondering what to eat for a hangover, consider having some berries. They're hydrating and can help satisfy sugar cravings without causing blood sugar spikes.

15. Sweet Potatoes

Loaded with complex carbohydrates, B vitamins, and potassium, sweet potatoes provide sustained energy and help replenish electrolytes lost during drinking.

16. Honey

Rich in fructose, honey can help metabolize and eliminate alcohol more quickly from the body. It also has antioxidants that help lessen the oxidative stress from drinking.

Natural Remedies for a Hangover Recovery


Natural remedies can be effective in alleviating hangover symptoms. Here are some options to consider:

  • Electrolyte Replenishment: Rehydrating drinks or electrolyte solutions can restore the balance of ions in your body, especially if you're experiencing symptoms like thirst, dizziness, and lightheadedness.

  • Lemon or Lime Water: Citrus fruits can help detoxify the body and restore vital nutrients lost due to alcohol consumption. Adding lemon or lime to your water can also aid digestion and refreshment.
  • Peppermint Tea: Peppermint is known for its digestive and soothing qualities, which can help ease symptoms such as nausea and stomach pain.
  • B Vitamins and Magnesium: Alcohol depletes B vitamins and magnesium. Replenishing these through foods like sweet potatoes, mentioned above, or supplements can help alleviate hangover symptoms.



When you have a hangover, choosing the right food can really help you feel better faster. It's all about helping your body bounce back from too much alcohol. So, next time you're feeling rough after a night out, remember these foods can be your best friends. They're like a natural cure, helping you get back on your feet and ready to go again.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is greasy food good for hangovers?

Greasy food might tempt you during a hangover, but it's not ideal for your sensitive stomach and can worsen symptoms. Instead, choose gentle foods like toast, bananas, or oatmeal that settle the stomach and boost energy. Save greasy meals for when you're fully recovered.

Need to get rid of a hangover before work?

To quickly recover from a hangover before work, rehydrate with water, eat a light breakfast like toast or banana, and replenish electrolytes with a sports drink. Refresh with a cool shower, sip ginger tea for nausea, and avoid caffeine if jittery. A short walk and time will help clear your head.

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