Category: Health Tips

omega fish oil

It’s Not Just Fish Oil – It’s Omega 3

History tells us that humans evolved by consuming a diet lower in saturated fat (fats from animal sources) and higher in omega-3 fatty acids than is finished today (Crawford, 1992). These omega-3 fatty acids...

benefits of coconut oil

The Amazing Benefits of Coconut Oil

Often referred to as the “tree of life,” the coconut tree is considered one of the most valuable trees in the world. Aside from the numerous health benefits derived from its fruit, the coconut...

5 Chemicals to Avoid in your Household Products Thumbnail

5 Chemicals to Avoid in your Household Products

There are many Toxic Household Chemicals to avoid in your home products, especially in products that come into contact with your skin. The safety of most cosmetics and home products has raised significantly over...

Ways to Boost Your Immunity Thumbnail

Ways to Boost Your Immunity

The term ‘Immunity’ is derived from the Latin word immunitas, meaning exemption from tax payments, military service, or other public services. However, in 1882 the scientist, Ilya Mechnikov, developed a full theory of immunity....

Everything You Need to Know About Biotin Thumbnail

Everything You Need to Know About Biotin

Also known as vitamin H, Biotin is one of the B complex vitamins that help your body convert food into energy. It helps keep your skin, hair, eyes, liver, and nervous system healthy. It...

Health Benefits of Collagen Supplements for Seniors Thumbnail

Health Benefits of Collagen Supplements for Seniors

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, accounting for approximately 1/3 of your body’s protein composition. Different types of Collagen can be found in your skin, tendons, internal organs, organic parts of...

Improving Memory Through Diet and Supplementation Thumbnail

Improving Memory Through Diet and Supplementation

Improving memory is not a one-time process. Rather, it is an ongoing journey that has many factors. Nutrition and supplementation play a key role in supporting brain health and functioning. In this article, we...

Is Turmeric Right For You Thumbnail

Is Turmeric Right For You?

Turmeric contains Curcumin. It is a yellow-colored chemical commonly used as a food coloring and in cosmetics. Turmeric is a primary spice in Asian curry dishes. It flavors and colors curry powders, mustards, butter,...