Managing Chronic Inflammation

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Last updated on February 14th, 2025 at 04:16 pm

What comes to your mind when you hear the word inflammation? Is it joint and muscle pain after a workout, a sore throat from the flu, physical bruising, or redness and swelling after a bee sting? These are all examples of acute inflammation specific to one area of the body. In this way, inflammation is not a bad thing. It is indeed your body's natural healing process. Inflammation only becomes detrimental when it becomes chronic. In this article, we will tackle Chronic Inflammation Symptoms.

You might suffer from chronic inflammation if you have often infections and experience body pain, fatigue, insomnia, diarrhea, mood disorders, and several other symptoms.  Moreover, chronic inflammation lasts for prolonged periods, usually several months to years. Often chronic inflammation symptoms are subtle, so they are easy to ignore or overlook.

Many health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and also bowel disorders, have been linked to chronic inflammation. Hence, managing inflammation to reduce your risk of long-term damage is essential. The extent and effects of chronic inflammation vary with the cause of the injury and your body's ability to repair and conquer the damage.

chronic inflammation symptoms-Acute and Chronic Inflammation

Common Signs And Symptoms Of Chronic Inflammation

  • Low Energy And Fatigue

An imbalance of energy availability and price can leave you tired, despite having a good night of sleep.

  • Joint And Muscle Pain

It's normal to feel sore after an intense workout or physical activity, but it is not normal if you are sore every day.

  • Brain Fog

If your brain lacks the readiness to reach and maintain an alert state and you can't figure out why inflammation is a likely culprit.

  • Digestive Problems

This can be caused by an imbalance in gut bacteria, resulting in a bloated stomach, diarrhea, and constipation.

  • Chronic Allergies

This is indeed caused by continued and repetitive display of allergens.

The link between these two disorders and inflammation has been shown in studies.

chronic inflammation symptoms-suffering from abdominal pain

Causes Of Chronic Inflammation 

The causes of chronic inflammation can vary, so it is important to get to the root of the problem to lessen the damage being caused.

Below we have shared some of the most common causes of chronic inflammation:

1. Persistent Infections Or Pathogens

Some organisms, such as fungi, protozoa, and parasites, are challenging to remove.

2. Untreated Causes Of Acute Inflammation

This includes infections and injuries.

3. Autoimmune Disorders

Sometimes, your immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues.

4. Long-term Exposure To Toxins And Irritants

These include industrial chemicals and polluted air.

How Does Chronic Inflammation Impact The Body?

When you have chronic inflammation symptoms, your body's inflammatory response can eventually damage healthy cells, tissues, and organs. Over time, this can lead to DNA damage, tissue death, and internal scarring.

chronic pancreatitis

How Can You Keep Chronic Inflammation Under Control? 

If you read health articles or watch videos about health and wellness, you'll often hear the terms' anti-inflammatory diet‘ and ‘supplements' linked with inflammation. This is because the foods you consume can play a significant role in controlling chronic inflammation in your body. Below we have shared some of the best anti-inflammatory foods you should add to your diet and other helpful hints to lessen inflammation.

1. Anti-Inflammatory Foods

    • Tomatoes
    • Olive oil
    • Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and collards
    • Nuts like almonds and walnuts
    • Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines
    • Fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges
    • Fermented foods such as yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut
    • Broccoli
    • Avocados
    • Green Tea
    • Peppers
    • Mushrooms
    • Grapes
    • Turmeric

While the foods above help to fight chronic inflammation symptoms in your body, there are also specific foods that can worsen your condition.

Do your best to reduce or remove the following foods from your diet:

    • Refined sugar
    • Margarine and vegetable oil
    • Refined carbs
    • Ultra-processed food

Health Food for Asthma

2. Best Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

    • Curcumin
    • Fish Oil
    • Ginger
    • Resveratrol
    • Spirulina

Remember that it's always important to check with your doctor when it comes to supplements. Follow dosage instructions carefully and buy from a known manufacturer.

3. Sleep

Sleep is one of the chronic inflammation symptoms your body's time to recover and repair your tissues. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep daily. Studies have shown that not getting enough sleep can trigger several different inflammatory responses in your body. There is certainly no better reason to invest in getting the quantity and quality of sleep your body truly needs.

sleeping at night

4. Exercise

Recent research has linked exercise to the decline of chronic inflammation. A combination of aerobic exercise with resistance training is recommended for the best anti-inflammatory impact, but 30 minutes of brisk walking is better than not moving.

5. Stress

Prolonged periods of stress can lead to growing levels of cortisol being released into the body. Over time, this drops tissue sensitivity and impacts the effectiveness of cortisol in regulating inflammatory and immune responses. Inflammation becomes a stress response, so reduced stress means reduced inflammation.

Woman with stress

If you don't take care of your body, your immune system attacks over time, and it can destroy your tissues. If you are fighting chronic inflammation, the best action is to make healthier lifestyle choices, including keeping away from smoking and stopping your alcohol intake. Making a few simple lifestyle changes today can be the key to reduced inflammation in your body and building up your overall health long-term.

Learn the best ways to eliminate inflammation through proper diet and nutrition below. Check it t out now!

Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook Bundle

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