
Recommended Foods for Healthy and Clear Skin

Did you know that the food you eat can directly impact your skin? Healthy eating habits, including consuming skin-friendly foods, are key to having healthy and clear skin. The right nutrition including specific foods...

Omega 6 vs Omega 3 Fatty Acids - Omega 6 vs Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 6 vs Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Have you ever heard of Omega fatty acids? What are the differences of Omega 3 vs Omega 6? You likely have heard about it and asked the same question, especially if you’re into fitness...

Do Vegans Need to Take Supplements Thumbnail

Do Vegans Need To Take Supplements?

There’s a lot of misinformation when it comes to being vegan. And while we’re not going to go into the science behind plant-based diets, some misconceptions require clarification. An important question to ask is...

Esophageal Dysmotility Thumbnail

Esophageal Dysmotility

Esophageal Dysmotility, or ED for short, is a condition that causes dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, causing food to get stuck in your throat. The muscles in the esophagus don’t work well, making it difficult...

Living with Lactose Intolerance Thumbnail

Living with Lactose Intolerance

You may be lactose intolerant. Have you drunk a café latte and had a gassy, bloated, cramped stomach afterward? Or maybe you experienced stomach pain after having your favorite cereal? If so, it might...

Curcumin and Piperine - The Perfect Combo Thumbnail

Curcumin And Piperine – The Perfect Combo

People have used turmeric, known as the Indian saffron or golden spice, for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb in India, Asia, and Middle Eastern countries. Turmeric alone can provide a...

A Closer Look at Acidophilus Thumbnail

A Closer Look at Acidophilus

By now, you have probably heard the term “probiotics,” but do you know what these are and how they work with your digestion for a healthy gut? Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that...

Foods to Eat & Foods to Avoid When Taking Antibiotics Thumbnail

Foods to Eat & Foods to Avoid When Taking Antibiotics

Antibiotics can save lives, relieve symptoms of bacterial infections, and help us recover faster. They destroy healthy and harmful bacteria in your gut while trying to eradicate bacteria in your body system. Antibiotics work...