Difference Between Blending And Juicing – Which Is Better For Weight Loss?

Difference Between Blending And Juicing

Last updated on January 10th, 2025 at 03:27 pm

What is the difference between blending and juicing, and which is better for you?

Juicing vanishes fiber and only gives you the liquid of fruits and vegetables.

While with blending, you get all the benefits. You get fiber and all the pulp with the liquid.
Based on this difference now, we can discuss benefits.

Which Is Better For Weight Loss

Juicing Facts

Difference Between Blending And Juicing

  • You get nutrients and vitamins at huge intensity
  • The absorption of nutrients becomes comparatively easier
  • Some juices that you buy from Supermarket consist of more sugar than sodas
  • Lack of fiber is necessary for full feelings, healthy digestion, heart disease prevention, and controlling blood sugar level. This is one of the main ingredients responsible for weight loss

Blending Facts


  • When You blend fruits and vegetables, you get fiber for healthy digestion and many more benefits (juices) we have discussed.
  • The fruits and vegetables fibrous part contains antioxidants and keeps you full for longer. This property keeps you away from consuming more unnecessary calories.

Nutrient absorption

Difference Between Blending And Juicing

  • When you drink juices, your body observes nutrients more effectively. It is because all the minerals and vitamins exist in the fruit, not in the fibrous part and pulps, but you get this fruit along with fiber and pulp anyway in the smoothie. But not here. All the discussion closes.

Fiber Content

fiber fruits

  • Juices contain no or very little fiber. Fiber is very useful for overall health and proper digestion.
  • The soluble fiber in Peas, green beans, citrus fruits, carrots, and apples. Soluble fiber dissolves perfectly in water, slowing digestion and maintaining your blood sugar levels.
  • The insoluble fiber in vegetables like potatoes, dark leafy greens, and cauliflower adds bulk to your stool and helps enhance human intestines' functions.


Difference Between Blending And Juicing

  • Fiber is not the only thing present inside the fruit and vegetable pulp. There is a greater amount of antioxidants president there too. The antioxidant has anticancer properties. In one study in 2012, experts compared the presence of phytochemicals (antioxidants) in grapefruit juice and blended grapefruit.
  • They found phytochemicals were in greater amounts in the blended grapefruit because this compound is usually found in the fruit's fibrous content.

Ease of digestion

woman holding tummy

  • The fans of juices always say that eating vegetables and fruit without fiber breaks your digestive system, and you easily digest these fruits and vegetables. They also claim that it boosts the absorption of nutrients.
  • One study confirms that the beta-carotene obtained from juice rather than real food results in higher blood beta-carotene levels. Many studies have proved that higher levels of beta-carotene results in lower cancer risks.
  • The researchers have found that the observation of beta-carotene is decreased by 32-50% by soluble fiber.
  • The doctor prescribes a low-residue diet and low-fiber foods for some diseases. In that case, yes, juices are beneficial. They also find that the fiber is present during the blending process, due to which the foods' cell wall is broken down, enhancing the absorption of beta-carotene.
  • It is proved by the people who have carried out juice fasts. They have experienced a variety of health benefits. But when the fiber is not consumed enough, it causes many harmful effects. Therefore consuming blended foods can give you both juice and whole foods benefits.



  • Consuming a needed amount of natural sugar is beneficial for your body. In commercial juices, there is a lot of sugar equal to sodas, but blended fruits have natural sugar. Average fruit juice contains 45.5 grams of fructose per liter compared to 50 grams per liter in sodas. Minute Maid Apple juice contents of 66 grams of fructose per liter.

Feelings of fullness

Difference Between Blending And Juicing

  • In the blended food, the fiber, the skin, and the pulp higher the total volume of the drink. These keep you full for longer and prevent you from consuming more unnecessary calories. But in the case of juices, you can consume the same amount of fruit and vegetable, and you will still not feel satisfied.

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