Weight Training For Weight Loss For Men

Weight Training For Weight Loss For Men

Last updated on August 11th, 2023 at 07:28 pm

Whenever most people are confronted with the challenging goal of losing weight, a majority turn to bike, running, and other cardio exercises. However, it is probably more beneficial to start weightlifting, so there is weight training for weight loss for men.

What is weight training?

Weight training is a great way to lose weight and build muscle mass. It can burn calories, reduce stress, and boost your mood. Weight training also helps improve your bone health. Research shows that weight training can even help you live longer! For men, weight training can help you build lean muscle mass. This will help you burn more calories and lose weight. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so building muscle will help you lose weight faster. Weight training can also improve your bone health.

Muscle is important to bone health because it helps bones support your body. When you lift weights, the muscles contract and cause the bone to grow and remodel. So by lifting weights, you’re helping your bones stay strong! Weight training can also boost your mood. When you lift weights, endorphins are released in your brain. Endorphins are chemicals that make you feel good! So lifting weights can make you feel happy and confident!

Unbelievable weight-loss possibilities are associated with weightlifting because you will only need to endure two heavy weightlifting sessions every week to see results!

Weight Training For Weight Loss

This occurs because your body continues to burn off calories long after you have stopped lifting those heavy weights since muscles need more calories for proper maintenance than fat. By working out five days or just two days per week, you need to stick to a consistent and steadfast schedule, and you will notice the great weight loss in your body immediately.

Weight training for weight loss for men requires hitting all muscle groups at various intervals. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1

Warm up your body-Weight Training For Weight Loss

Warm up your body by doing light exercises. You may jog or walk around for ten minutes before attempting to lift any weight.

Step 2

You can work your chest with flat bench presses, decline bench presses, cable crossovers, and dumbbell flies. You can tone or work your back with T-bar rows, dumbbell deadlifts, flat pulls downs, and bent-over dumbbell rows. Make sure you choose a day every week to work both your chest and back.

Step 3

performing crunches

It would help if you worked your quads by doing weekly walking lunges and barbell squats. Fitness professionals also recommend performing crunches to work your abdominal muscles that same day.

Step 4

Tone your abs as well as delts once every week. Perform dumbbell shoulder presses, Arnold presses, and dumbbell lateral raises for your delts. It would help if you did hanging knee raises and crunches for your abs.

Step 5

Do one-arm preacher and bicep curls to tone up your biceps at least once weekly. Also, work your triceps with triceps dips and pushups that same day you do the previous weight training exercises.

Step 6

This is where you work and tone your calves and hamstrings with lying leg curls, standing calf raises, and seated leg curls.

Step 7

To cool off after working out, jog or walk for about ten minutes.

Jog or walk-Weight Training For Weight Loss

From time to time, you should also split the exercises or workouts. You can start five-minute sessions between the weightlifting exercises: crunches, pull-ups, triceps curls, shoulder shrugs, lunges, seated calf raises, sit-ups, preacher curls, and pushups.

Then complete trice dips, seated rows, knee raises, leg presses, standing calf raises, leg extensions, crunches, lat pulldowns, upright rows, chest flys, dumbbell lat raises, and planks on different days of the week. Perform an additional twenty-five minutes of cardiovascular and divide the five-minute sessions between weightlifting exercises.

All in all, you should consult your physician before starting a new exercise program.

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