4 Most Effective Belly Fat Burning Exercises

4 Most Effective Belly Fat Burning Exercises

Last updated on November 27th, 2024 at 04:17 pm

Have you been performing endless belly fat-burning exercises to eliminate that stubborn belly fat but keep seeing little results?

Despite numerous exercise regimes, belly fat is one of the most challenging to eliminate. This article will address how to exercise to help eliminate this unwelcome fat.

Most of the human body is covered by what is referred to as “subcutaneous fat.” This fat is evenly distributed throughout the human body and under the skin. You can even grab this fat with your bare hands when you pinch your skin. However, it is not as dangerous as its counterpart: visceral fat.

Visceral fat is usually found around the belly area and covers the spaces between and around your internal organs. It is a nasty type of fat that can wreak havoc on your bodily functions, thus affecting your overall health if left unattended. Most belly exercises are also very futile.

4 Most Effective Belly Fat Burning Exercises

This means that fat in your belly area is extremely dangerous as it carries the following health risksaccording to the Growth Hormone Research Society and the International IGF Research Society:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Insulin resistance
  • Glucose intolerance
  • Death

Now, you know why you must do away with belly fat as soon as possible.

Therefore, here are some belly fat-melting exercises that you can engage in for speedy results:

1. Incline Running Exercises

Belly Fat Burning Exercises

Running on an inclined surface increases the rate at which you burn fat by at least fifty percent. You will achieve the same results if you run up a hill or on an inclined treadmill at the gym.

It does not have to be an all-out sprint; you can start by jogging for about five to ten minutes. Pick up your pace and start running.

You can run for about five minutes, then bring your pace down to a job. Keep alternating from jogging to running and back again for thirty to forty-five minutes for maximum results.

2. The Rowing Machine Exercise

The Rowing Machine Exercise

No, you don’t need a real-life boat for this regime. Rowing pushes your heart rate, thus helping you burn fat and blast excess calories. It works on your arms, shoulders, core, and leg muscles.

You can start rowing for twenty seconds and take a breather for ten seconds. It would help if you did not let go of the rowing machine's handle when resting. Observe how many meters you traveled or covered within twenty seconds.

Repeat the entire process eight times, trying to beat the previous record of distance covered. After completing this four-minute circuit, you should row fast to cover a range of five hundred meters.

Please note how long it took you to travel this distance. Then beat that number the next time you get on a rowing machine.

3. Sprints


This type of interval training with high intensity provides all the health benefits of conventional cardio without any backlash.

Sprint training combines short bursts of running with maximum effort, followed by a brief rest period in which you jog slowly. A good session should last for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Sprint training is carried out at a ninety percent maximum rate and can be done anywhere without equipment.

4. Crunches


This exercise is believed to be the most effective in burning belly fat. You can start this exercise by lying down on the floor with your knees raised off the floor. But your feet must remain firmly on the ground. Place your hands behind your head or cross them on your chest if that is what you prefer. Take a deep breath and lift your upper torso off the ground. As you come up, exhale. Then repeat the process by inhaling when you get back down and exhaling when you come up.

If you are a beginner, perform crunches ten times for each set every day. Make sure that you complete at least two or three sets of crunches.

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