Does Lifting Weights Burn Fat? (A Science Backed Explaination)

Does Lifting Weights Burn Fat?

Last updated on August 11th, 2023 at 06:46 pm

For many years, most exercise enthusiasts have believed that one of the most significant ways of winning the battle against belly fat is by engaging in cardio. But one of the relatively recent discoveries many still regard with disbelief is the burning of fat by lifting weights. But does lifting weights burn fat?

Weightlifting is a form of strength-training physical activity that burns fat and calories, thus toning and building muscles. Although this exercise focuses more on building muscles, you burn fat and lose weight.

Does Lifting Weights Burn Fat?

As the name suggests, weightlifting can help you burn fat. This is because it taxes your muscles and helps them build more strength. This can lead to improved muscle tone, which can make you look slimmer. Aim for high-intensity workouts that last about an hour at least three times per week to get the most benefit from weightlifting.

And don't forget to warm up and stretch before starting! When lifting weights, try to focus on compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, or rows to work your entire body simultaneously. You should also ensure that you use the right weight for your fitness level and form while lifting weights. For all of you out there who are interested in starting weights and want to know how to burn fat while doing so, we have some tips here on how to do so.

However, this activity does not come to mind readily whenever you start thinking of some of the most efficient ways of burning fat.

Does Lifting Weights Burn Fat? (A Science-Backed Explanation)

YES! Lifting Weights Burn Fat

The answer to the question, “Does Lifting Weights burn fat?” lies in that lifting weights helps anyone looking to shed fat in the short term. Cardio appears to hold the aces when it comes to burning calories quickly, but lifting weights enables you to burn calories much faster after regular workout routines.

What does this imply? It merely means that your metabolism remains at a higher rev – even up to thirty hours after your weightlifting session – than it would have been after undertaking standard cardio workouts.

When you lift weights regularly, you will discover that the lean muscle mass percentage in your body will increase. As it goes higher, your metabolic rate also shoots higher. This happens when your muscles burn off fat at a highly significant rate than fat does.

Additionally, you can maintain your muscle tissue from regular stimulation. Therefore, the more time you spend lifting weights, the more fat you will burn, and the more muscle you will end up building extensively.

Lifting Weights is Essential

Many people hate lifting weights, and if you belong to that category, you need to have this one reason in mind: lifting weights is essential for using your muscles until they are fatigued. When your muscles recover, they come back larger and stronger. This means your body has gained more muscle and burned off more fat, even when your body is at rest.

If you are observant, you will notice that “increasing your metabolic rate” has been mentioned a few times in this write-up. This is a crucial biological process for anyone who wants to burn fat. It makes more sense to increase the lean muscle tissues of your body to burn off fat more efficiently via lifting weights than any other cardiovascular exercise.

This does not rule out the effectiveness of cardiovascular exercise for burning fat. The only thing is that cardio does not increase muscle mass. It is, therefore, crucial for you to elevate your metabolism and keep it at that level.

If you diet without lifting weights, you will still burn fat and lose muscle. If you lose muscle, your metabolic rate decreases automatically, and this is not a good thing if your primary goal is to shed excess weight.

Stretching to Increase Metabolism

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